Media Pack

Collaborate with us and work with us on events and future programming or advertise on our The Influential Women Podcast show with our live authentic reads introducing your brand and within the programme as a sponsor and even for us to chat about your products with our incredible guests. 

If you are an empowering female brand that wants to target women literally into their ears, hearts and minds and the palm of their hands on their phones or through their laptops with bespoke, relevant product messages for your sensational women’s products then do get in touch today reference media collaborations and we are happy to review.  We are a friendly bunch.

We love creative ideas and fabulous products, or books to review and things to adorn us and make us feel special over adversity and to shout out to the world.

Contact us today with your ideas.

The Influential Women Podcast media team x

Download the media pack IWP MEDIA FACTSHEET PDF